Two for the Price of One! March Challenge.

Two for the Price of One! March Challenge.

Nice work, Alan. Great movement for both animals. I used to have a pond full of goldfish in our garden, until the local heron put us on his visitors list.

Like this .very good

Love the graceful movement of the heron and the leaping frog Alan and I particularly like the mediums you have used.

This really is a beauty, Alan. We (my husband and I) just came home from a tour in the countryside and we saw two herons flying up as we came close! Two from the same spot next to the road. Beautiful sight it was.

Nice idea Alan and beautifully pictured.

Gosh thanks all. Just a bit of fun and an enjoyable break from working on these oils. They're not everyone's favourite bird if you have a pond or large pool, you'd need a big net to cover this one though. It was frozen solid for a week or more recently, so what they find to eat I've no idea!

Lovely use of charcoal on grey. Thatpoor wee frog...small comment dear Alan..Herons have a dark crest . 😇

This is a beauty Allan, great movement as the heron takes flight, love the highlights in white, I love the frog, we have them in our garden even though we have no pond!! But neighbors do, I love them, we often see a heron fly over the garden. This could also double for the juxtaposition February challenge 😀

I know I've already commented on this in the Forum, Alan, but I love this one :)

Well, this must be young Cyril, is it Alan. He’s almost dancing, it’s a super sketch packed with animation. I get them in the burn at the bottom of the field and in the garden, they will eat anything, I’ve seen them chase and eat mice.

Full of movement Alan. Love it.

This is great, Alan, love the pen work with the addition of the white. We used to have a local heron visiting our pond, drove our dog nuts, and last year it took half our fish. We've now got a latticework of canes, a bit Japanese style, across the shallow end which seems to have done the trick.

Excellent one Alan. Must get some of that Strathmore.

great movement in the water and the Heron with his mate the frog great colours well done Alan

This is great Alan! I like the addition of the little frog😀 We also have a resident heron who looks for fish in the stream directly outside our house: they are quite big birds up close.

This has great movement, Alan.

Thanks all, glad you liked it!

Splendid , like the composition,works well on grey , I have seen herons in the fields trying to catch mice.

Hang on Studio Wall

Hot off the press! Just knocked out my silly effort. Took a few pics of my resident Grey Heron on Friday, here he is taking off from the pool. Not sure if the frog is trying to compete, or get out of the way... One of his favourite delicacies no less! A4 grey Strathmore.

About the Artist
Alan Bickley

Having studied fine art and graphics at both Stafford and Derby college, my career working as a graphic artist and latterly as editorial artist with Northcliffe Media Ltd, has kept me constantly in touch with all aspects of art and design. Painting mainly in oils, acrylics and watercolour, my…

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