Grey Misty morning -


Not good at criticism Rachel, can only say what I like usually , and I like the limited palette and the depth and movement you've got in your clouds.

I like it! I believe that what we feel, as a result of what we see (or hear, smell, touch) usually makes for a painting with mood and you have certainly captured a mood.

You’ve done the right thing here in putting your own take on a perhaps uninspiring vista in front of you… That’s why we became artists and not photographers! A beauty Rachel.

I like the red/pink dashes and the moody almost Turneresque feel. The only thing I can think to criticise is the composition. For me there is too much sky. When I blank off some off the top of the sky, it looks better. But that's just a personal preference. I really like the idea of using imagination. It's something I'm trying to do. It's great fun. It doesn't always work but when it does it's exciting.

Thank you Sarah, Fiona and Alan- appreciate your comments and thank you Sarah! I think your right- it does look better cropped- I really appreciate this sort of feedback it’s so helpful- 😀

This is excellent Rachel and really well painted.

Lovely palette here Rachel, especially the pinks.

Thank-you Carol, Paul and Spencer- lovely compliments.

I agree with Fiona, good one Rachel

It’s a bit scary sometimes going with emotions….do we trust our intuition….we’ll only find out if we go for it! More times that a little, I chicken out but when I do, and it works, I’m chuffed…lol. Love what you’ve done, especially the range of greys.

Thank you Coral and Heather, and yes I agree with you Fiona, Im hoping I can find the courage to do it more!! Thank you for your compliment.

Hang on Studio Wall
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This was a bit of an experiment as it was a very dull flat morning- so I painted more what I felt rather than saw- It’s a bit naff and not sure if it really works but there you go- it’s good to play about. Am wanting to paint on bigger boards - this was a 10 x 10 - and hoping to go bigger. Used Four colours and white- Am happy for constructive criticism.😀

About the Artist
Rachel Wood

I paint Plein Air, and landscapes are my passion. The changing light, never knowing quite what may happen, searching for a subject, meeting passers by, all add to the excitement and richness of landscape painting. My other passion is playing the violin, occasionally in and around the streets and…

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