Cornish Lane

Cornish Lane

Lovely composition and good feeling of walking downhill.

Thank you fred.

Great sense of presence and I love your palette Linda.

Nice work Linda, I like the perspective.

Many thanks Margaret and Carole.

Lovely feel to this.

Thank you for taking time to comment Sandra. I have to admit, it wasn't my picture that I worked from. It was a Leisure Painter photo from donkeys years ago, but I like to do my paintings in pairs, so I thought it would make a good companion to the tin mine.

Really lovely Linda, so nice to see your paintings again.

Thank you Jennifer - I will try to get them posted more often - lot easier, now that we have some daylight!

Hang on Studio Wall

Inktense Pencil and watercolour.

About the Artist
Linda Wilson

Since retiring from a career in education and training management, I returned to art after a gap of 40 years. Now I travel was much as I can with my husband and take an enormous amount of photographs, some of which I use as reference photos. Meanwhile, I take a weekly course in portraiture and…

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