Back Yard Shade


If you want my opinion, Shirley, don't touch it. I love the marks and your simplification of the actual objects. Is that resist? Oil pastel? I'm a fan of Bonnard; his veranda and garden scenes. This has a similar feel. Love it. I told Marjorie Firth yesterday that I always like your work.

Inventive and bold Shirley. Liked it on sight.

He did. And I said I remember you saying quite a while ago that you were trying to be “ looser” ( re painting of course). You’ve succeeded really well, I’m envious.

Thanks, Roger. I always like yours, and have done for a long time. Thanks so much, Jim and Marjorie. Don't know about you, but I periodically root out old pics and see things to do with them.

Roger, it's resist with masking fluid or wax (can't remember) and water colour, plus pastel.

Hang on Studio Wall
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Old pic. Looking back through things, and wondering.

About the Artist
Shirley May

Always loved drawing and painting. Studied biology at UEA, PGCE at Sussex, then part-time art studies at Sussex and Brighton, including printmaking. Before Covid I gave a little weekly watercolour class for 7 years. Now I am using acrylics on canvas and paper en plein air whenever possible.

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