

I like the muted tones of this Stephen.

Lovely, sensitive portrait Stephen, her sorrow is expressed well and has a sacred essence too, as though time was immeasurable in the life she once knew and fervently loved.

You have captured the mood really well Stephen. Excellent.

Wonderful Stephen. The whites stand out so well.

Nice one and all that jewellery is very good

Thank you all for your kind comments 🙂

You’ve captured the emotion in this limited palette painting. Lovely!

I like the way you have used white to great effect.well done.

Hang on Studio Wall

Coloured pencil drawing on dark toned paper, after painting by artist Topolski.

About the Artist
Stephen Hulse

. Retired with lots of spare time, Always been interested in art especially the old masters, so learning by using images of other artists to copy from in my style, still have a long way to go. A lot of the artists on this site are very professional and do excellent work.

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