


Thanks for your comments on Azalea, much appreciated.

Missed this too. I love sketches and this is no exception. Lovely in it's simplicity and skill. showing your late dog's character. Excellent. Carole thank you very much for your kind comments on the portrait of my daughter much appreciated.

Thank you for your comments girls. I did this sketch in preparation for an embroidery, but afraid my embroidery has taken a back seat as I do enjoy painting !

From one dog lover to another...many thanks for your comments on Who left the...., regards Val.

Excellent sketch. One day the embroidery eh? Thank you for your comment on Patches. Bob

Great sketch!

Arrrrrrr! my mother-in-law would love this, this is her fav kind of dog...did you get my last message about redbubble?

Hello carol, thankyou so very much for your words of comfort for the loss of my old freind, as iv'e said before ....somewhere on here, can't remember where? ( still in a bit of a tizzy ! ) you have all been so suportive, and i thank each and everyone of you from the bottom of my heart. i said to diana ( hudson) how lovely it must be to be able to capture your dog in such a loving and sensitive way, its so much more personal than a photograph. but alas i'm not very good at sketches. also i would like to say, in answer to my ramblings about not being good eneough to join an art society..... you said you too get desponded when you don't produce good work. "PIFFLE" your work is SUPERB.... never doubt that for one single moment. we as fellow artists, would never criticize others work... for we are all doing what we love, if we really don't genuinely don't like someones work, then we say nothing! so belive in youself and onwards and upwards carol. best regards.... irene.

Lovely sketch. Full of character. Thank you very much for your kind comment on my 'retriever sketch'.

A lovely picture of Sam Carole, he looks so kind and gentle.

Thanks Pam. Yes he was very gentle and a true friend. X

You are very talented Carol. Love your work. Know what you mean about embroidery. Mine has taken a back seat too.

So loose and free! Beautiful little sketch.

First time I've seen this, Carole. What a beautiful, sensitive sketch!

A really nice sketch, I used to really enjoy working in pencil and still sketch things using pencil when I see something I want to draw.

Great sketch Carole, one from the heart. love it.

A great sketch and i hope one day to be able to produce such a great sketch like this.

This is a beautiful sketch. You can do animals. They are all our babies.

Perfect drawing 👍

Thanks so much for kind comments.

Hang on Studio Wall
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This is a sketch of our late family pet Sam.

About the Artist
Carole Swingler

Self- taught artist, I have dabbled in watercolours for many years on and off. My first love is flower painting in watercolour. Now trying many different media including acrylic inks, gouache, all types of pencils to try loose-ish semi abstract images.

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