Early morning, Teesmouth


Lovely painting Emma, all those birds are particularly good

Wonderful highlights in this beautiful work Emma.

A stunning painting, Emma: love the bright sunlight on it, beautiful birds.

Delightful painting.

Always enjoy your lovely bird paintings and the composition is fantastic Emma. Love how you’ve painted the water.

Really lovely Emma. I know it’s early to say but this should be entered for Patchings next year!

Excellent Emma beautifully painted and full of movement.

Nicely done Emma, lovely colours for a watercolour painting.

Superb design, and birds!

Thank you everyone!

A lovely piece with w0nderful light and sparkle.

Thank you Paul and Seok.

Beautiful birds & a wonderful light!

Thank you Jean.

Wonderful watercolour, Emma!

Thank you Cesare and Maureen.

This is better than some of the best bird pictures I have ever seen; and near to where I live.

Thank you Rob, very kind!

Hang on Studio Wall

Redshank, teal and dunlin loafing about on the mud banks of Greatham Beck, on the Teesmouth NNR. Watercolour 9x12", mostly french ultramarine, quinacridone magenta, yellow ochre and light red, with some Winsor blue and cadmium orange for the birds’ colours

About the Artist
Emma Price

I'm from County Durham, on the northeast coast of England. I sketch and paint for my own enjoyment and relaxation; in particular, looking at the plants, wildlife and landscapes in our local area and attempting to paint them. My art is based on my own observations, using only my own photos and…

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