Valletta Harbour


Excellent result Alan. Love the warmth and shadows.

Stunning. Love the warmth of the buildings

I really like the textured look to this excellent painting.

Love the shapes, textures and light, all the more evident through lack of unnecessary detail. You’re a dab hand with the palette knife Alan, with which you have created this beautiful painting..

This is great, Alan. Love the view and the warm, full of sunshine colour palette. Super!

What a stunning painting Alan - the palette knives are very effective in describing the buildings. I love the colours you have in the sky, they complement the warm ochres in the buildings beautifully.

Wonderful feeling of heat radiating from those walls. I love the earthy ochres and pinks, all beautifully balanced and held in place by the patch of blue. Well thought out.

I keep seeing your lovely paintings of Malta. I want to go there.

A beauty of a painting Alan

Wonderful textures on both walls and architecture .The heat is described perfectly with the palette.

Super work Alan, you have depicted the ancient stonework so well here.

I love the colour and textures of this painting Alan.

Lovely work Alan, beautiful colours, they raise the spirits.

Well thank you all so much for your more than generous comments, I always enjoy reading them.

Absolutely stunning

Marvellous technique. Stunning result. It looks and feels like you really enjoyed yourself, not being weighed down with detail. There’s a lesson here!

Wonderfully solid - and love the light.

Brings back a few memories Alan. Love the arrangement of shapes in the composition and the use of the shadows.

A fascinating rugged painting Alan, with the use of knives ideal for this type of buildings. I like your use of blues here also.

Detailed architecture handled with great skill- great texture in the brush work and lovely warm colours - Fabulous Alan.

Knew who'd painted this before I needed to take a look at the name. You have the tones and colours of the old stone beautifully represented here.

Well thanks once again, great comments and I appreciated them all.

A wonderful place to visit Alan and you have conveyed its majestic strength.

It is lovely , Alan.

Hang on Studio Wall

The architecture in Valetta is stunning with its warm rustic ochre coloured buildings and those gorgeous strong shadows which I always find so inspirational. Painted using a selection of painting knives with Jackson’s oils on board 16 x 20in. Knives are such expressive tools to paint with, not the stuff of detail, which I find helpful as it prevents me from ‘fiddling’. They’re so useful for creating those textured walls etc. Studio painting reference my sketch book and small watercolours.

About the Artist
Alan Bickley

Having studied fine art and graphics at both Stafford and Derby college, my career working as a graphic artist and latterly as editorial artist with Northcliffe Media Ltd, has kept me constantly in touch with all aspects of art and design. Painting mainly in oils, acrylics and watercolour, my…

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