Inspiration from Artists Wk 113 featuring Artists . Clark Hurlings and Steve Slimm

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Hang on Studio Wall
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A few more of his paintings 

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I admire his work greatly, a wonderful artist in my opinion.
This is not a Hulings painting but......the first of Dixie's post above looked very familiar to me so I had a look around.  The picture below, Philip Wilson Steer, 'Jonquils' 1889/1890 is not the painting I have in my mind (which I think is a Spanish lady), but I hope you will agree it is not a million miles away from Hulings' painting of the lady and fan, standing by a wall e.g the use of the shadow.    Which I hope illustrates why I feel Hulings is a late 19th century artist transposed into the 20th century.

by Tony Auffret

I see what’s you are getting at Tony there is a similarity between them without any doubt. The more I’ve looked at his work the more I have become impressed with it , I really like the variety of his subjects and the differences in his style in so d of them . It would be quite an experience to have watched him paint and a great learning session as well , he is one of the few artists that I’ve come across in the last year or so that I have come to admire so quickly. 
I like that he paints what I call normal everyday scenes, and I especially like the gent with the cap and moustache above, great character!
I actually though he first one today was a Singer Sargent. Lots of artists painted Gypsy girls, Russell Flint amongst them. Real high quality work though these Paul. The American Rockies one is very reminiscent of Thomas Moran who started life in my home town of Bolton. 

by Jim Morris

Steve Slimm, is from the Black County in West Midlands he then later live in the Cotswolds and attended Cheltenham Grammar School. Steve moved to Cornwall in 1970, he joined an art group under John Miller for a brief period, painting began to feature as a main interest in his life with periodic encouragement from John . Steve has been producing and exhibiting paintings in Cornwall since 1979 and has developed his art along personal lines that both absorb and transcend tradition. Turner was his obvious influence in the early years , many of his atmospheric watercolours found their way into collections worldwide. Cornwalls landscape remains his inspiration his work is now far from realism , he now mainly works in mixed media - emulsions, acrylics and oils.  I hope you enjoy my  selection of his work which is very different to that of Clark Hulings who I introduced earlier this week.
At first glance I like those very much Dixie. Been out grannying for the day so will look further tomorrow.
These are just two, of a few, I like. Quite abstract, but the scenes are readable, mainly because of the way the natural light has been observed. 
And a couple I have chosen, one oil one watercolour.
Mr Slimm (autocorrect keeps wanting to change this to Mr Slime!) reminds me of the curate's egg.....good in parts.  If you crop out the land in many of his landscapes, then the skies have a definite Turneresque appeal.  Here is one where I like the top left third!
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